How better to remind yourself of how children “really” are than to surround yourself with little ones? When you are a parent your child will say or do something and you think you’ll never forget, that it’s so impressive (funny, sad, special somehow) that you’d never possibly forget all those precious milestones. Now, some of you may be better than others about writing things down, but no matter how good you are you can’t get every second written down. In those present moments though, you felt that unconditional, complete, indescribable love. As time goes the memories fade, some memories will be easier than others to recall. Parents may recall different memories or maybe share some together. But as the vivid memory fades, so does that impressionable feeling you had in the moment. As you recall the memory also recall the feelings that went along with it. Surround yourself consistently with little children, so that the likeness of a child within you doesn’t have the opportunity to fade. Jesus loves the little children, calls them, and yearns for them. Take it from Him; there must be something to it if such a wonderful King desires to be surrounded with children. Those are His chosen ones. We must humble ourselves and surround ourselves with them so that we should never forget how to be a like a child. After all, aren’t we calling ourselves children of God, not babies of God, not adults of God, not brothers, sisters, or cousins of God?? So, if we are ALL His children, why separate from them? Leave childish behavior (immature) behind, keep your child-like ways of complete trust, faith, and calling things as you see them ways (being honest), etc… If you put ten 4-year-olds together, how long do you think it would take for them to make friends? To play? To fight? To forgive? What would they fight over? Now, same scenario just put ten 13 or 14-year-old children together, what about 18 year olds, 25 year olds, 40 year olds, or even 60 year olds?? Answer the same questions about all age groups. We should, no matter what age, be comfortable with ourselves. We should be quick and eager to make friends, play, and forgive. We learn not to fight about silly things, but it seems that is the constant in your toddler years, teenage years, etc.., and we leave behind the qualities we should keep near and dear like making friends, playing, and forgiving. If you, even if it’s not too often, spend time with children you have a greater opportunity to remember the great qualities they have and we’ve lost, and to love others as Jesus does.
1 Cor 10:31-11:1
1 Cor 12:27
2 Cor 3:1-6
Mt 18:1-5, 11:25, 19:14,
Luke 18:16
Psalm 8:2
Mark 10:13-16
In Matthew and Luke when babies and children were being brought to Jesus, the disciples were trying to send them away; to turn them down as if they were a nuisance, undeserving, a bother to Jesus, but Jesus—He not only told people to be like a little child, that the kingdom of God belongs to the ones who receive God like a little child.
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